
Showing posts from September, 2018

Entry #29 day 20

I believe last night was my best night of sleep in my tent, I woke up dry and rested. I had plans of going to church at St Mildreds in Swansboro for a 9 AM Mass and the church was 11 miles away. I picked up camp quickly, I didn’t have time for a proper breakfast so I had a vanilla protein bar and a Bud Light, made for a nice little combo meal of protein and carbs. I then peddled as fast as I could stopping only to pick up a little road treasure, it was a Kobalt folding utility knife with a blue handle....very nice find. I also stopped to take a picture of the typical road debris in this area. This is a picture of St Mildreds, I made it here with 2 minutes to spare and in my opinion I don’t think I stunk too bad. After mass I spoke with a very nice lady her name was Elaine, she asked me about my trip and when I asked her how well she survived the storm she informed me that her husband had died possibly as a result of the stress from the storm. Elaines husband had been evac

Entry #28 day 19

Last night had to be the worst night so far, it would rain on an off throughout the night for about 20 minutes at a whack, every time I would open the storm flaps on the tent to let some cool air in it would start raining again, so then I would have to shut them again, it was a cruel game. In the morning I paid the owner of the campground for the site, I told him that I had not filled up my water bottle because the water smelled a little funky, he informed me that they had to bleach the wells again, hard to believe but I felt even dirtier thinking about last nights shower. This little tree frog was sitting on my bike headlight when I woke up, that made me happy. This was the view from the bridge leaving Cedar Island. The owner of the campground suggested that this place has good egg sandwiches so I stopped in and found they had packaged Jimmy Dean sandwiches that you microwaved, the clerk at the convenience store said only microwave it for 35 seconds, I

Entry #27 day 18

I am not sure that this blog will be posted on Friday due to the fact that I am staying at a partially open campground that looks like it got hit pretty hard by Florence, I base this on the uprooted trees, damaged buildings. And the Mud and weeds that is covering the bathroom floor but at least its not crowded. But before I go on complaining about tonight let me finish complaining about last night. Last night was miserable, it was hot and humid the mosquitos had me pinned down in my tent and the air was dead calm, that is until sunrise when the wind picked up to a 15-20 MPH head wind which I had to struggle against almost all day of roads like this. I wanted to stop in and get a mullet but I figured I should let my hair grow out first. I arrived at the ocracoke ferry and was happy to see it open, this was the first day it was open since the storm, now I can get a little bit deeper into this mess. I landed on ocracoke island an

Entry #26 Day 19

I am writing this blog from the relative safety of my tent, currently there are about 6 mosquitoes inside my tent, which is nothing compared to the swarms of mosquitos outside waiting to get in, if you see no further posts from me it is because they have breached the perimeter and have removed all my blood. I am camped out at Frisco Woods and have a beautiful site right on Pamlico sound, unfortunately I cant leave my tent to enjoy it. One nice feature of this campground is I finally have a place to bring all my dirty fish. Speaking of dirty fish, because I still can’t find a gas cylinder for my stove I was unable to make my delicious Mac and cheese so I had to eat my last package of foil bagged Tuna, this would not have been so bad if the bag had not been packed away in my trailer and heated up to much more than room temperature and to make things worse I only had a box of red wine to wash the Tuna down with, you should never have red wine with fish, especially a